Day 7

Today will be similar to yesterday.  Starting off with shopping by myself and meeting a friend later on.  Today I will be meeting Kim.  We stayed in touch ever since the wedding in Jamaica.  So looking forward to seeing her! And having diner face to face with someone.  A you van tell from the pictures the weather is great.

Results are great.  Some great bargains and I already read 5 books! Well on my way to reach my reading target!

As Im writing the blog Im in the bus.  I was supposed to meet Kim at Jersey Gardens.
But the bus schedules are kind of crazy.  The other day I waited for 45 minutes.  That’s how much the bus was behind schedule.  Andere I was already running late. So I took a bus headed in the same direction. But now Kim has to pick me up sonewhere else.  In a place neither of us knows.  Will let you know how that’s going to work out.

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